To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, May 18, 2024


Sally, Again

BY KAREN WEBB State Rep. Sally Kern, R-Oklahoma City, and I have a few things in common: We were both born the same year as...

Ritze’s Birther Balderdash

BY RICHARD L. FRICKER If the Legislature is not too busy with the affairs of state they might well take time to resolve that April...

Vocabulary Lesson

BY SHARON MARTIN You can call the United States a democratic republic if you choose, but as an old English teacher who excels in vocabulary,...

22 Days

BY CLAUDIA SWISHER A letter to Oklahoma's legislative leaders: The answer is “22 days.” The question? “How long will Norman North High School be administering End of Instruction...

Killer Contamination Spreads Worldwide Without Opposition

BY BOB NICHOLS Radioactive contamination equivalent to the Fukushima, Japan disaster in terms of the hated “Mushroom Cloud” Atomic Bombs is two thousand ) 500...