To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Saturday, June 29, 2024


Observercast 40: Challenging A 13-Term Incumbent

It’s never easy to unseat a 13-term congressional incumbent. It’s even harder when the district’s boundaries are bigger than a dozen states – and...

Climate Crisis Already Hammering Oklahoma Farms, Ranches

BY JOHNSON BRIDGWATER While most of Oklahoma’s Congress members and state legislators continue denying climate change is real, a great number of the rural Oklahomans...

Help Us Believe, Mr. President

BY NATHANIEL BATCHELDER Dear President Obama: REMEMBER ME?? I worked hard to help you get elected. You were to be the peoples’ servant … not international bankers’. You were...

A Lesson In Critical Thinking

BY SHARON MARTIN Recently one of my Okie relations shared this post: "I’ll be glad when we have a president who is elected for the...

Why We Have Lower Services, Higher Fees

BY JOE DORMAN State agency officials were warned last week to prepare for additional budget cuts for the 2016-17 fiscal year. The Legislature and our governor...