To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Shared Genes Refute Racists

Christmas comes but once a year. It must be a strain for American political Christians to spend a few weeks spouting tidings of good...

The Face Of A Government Shutdown

History buffs may think the fellow pictured atop this Yahoo news story is a modern version of Vladimir Lenin who was the founding member...

The Light Shines In The Darkness

This week we experience the shortest day of the year for this part of the world, and as we prepare for the return of...

Dumbing Down Teaching Standards

Don’t get a teaching degree. Just get Uncle Floyd elected to the local school board. After all, it’s cheaper, a whole lot less work and...

‘What’s Next?’

Binge-watching 22-year-old reruns of The West Wing, I recalled the first time we watched it in a government class. I worried about the speed of...