To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Friday, May 3, 2024



UPDATE: Rep. Leslie Osborn has withdrawn HB 3039 from the House Appropriations and Budget Subcommittee on Education and does not plan to pursue it...

Personhood, Conceived

BY KAREN WEBB The Oklahoma Senate today voted to make the subject of one of these photos a person in Oklahoma. Can you guess which...

We The People

BY DON NELSON What’s it all about, Alfie? The movie by that name was an interesting look into the life and troubles of a “playboy.” What we...

Fairy Tales

BY SHARON MARTIN All’s well in Oklahoma. We’re among the leaders in job growth. Our unemployment rate is below the national average. We’re a state that...

Paying Attention To Politics

BY SHARON MARTIN People with the most to lose in any election are often the ones who say, “Oh, I don’t pay any attention to...