To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Raising Taxes

BY SHARON MARTIN For years I’ve been watching consumers get nipped by food manufacturers. First, a pound of coffee became 13 ounces. Manufacturers knew it was...

Rutin’ Tutin’ Shootin’

BY RICHARD L. FRICKER It’s often said, “The law says I can ...” The law seldom says, “Thou shall …” The point being – just...

Republicans, Defined

BY KENNY BELFORD As we approach the end of the comedy tour of the Republican primaries and debates, we can sum up in only a...

The Highest Court And The NCAA

BY DANNY M. ADKISON It is late March and you know what that means. It means overtimes, last second shots, and blown calls by referees....

Moonbat Right

BY KENNY BELFORD The moonbat division of the Republican Party is at it again. The teabagger club has never met a conspiracy they didn’t love. They...